QCWBA Congratulates Elizabeth J. Newton
The Queens County Women’s Bar Association congratulates Vice President Elizabeth J. Newton on being awarded the Stephanie E. Kupferman Juvenile Justice Award by the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York. Elizabeth received this honor on June 3, 2022, during WBASNY’s annual convention, which was held at The Kartrite Resort in Monticello, New York. Elizabeth was supported by her Queens of Queens as she celebrated a truly well-deserved honor. This award is given to a WBASNY member who has shown outstanding achievement in legal matters involving juveniles over a period of three or more years, as a prosecutor, defense counsel or law guardian or judge. The QCWBA is thrilled to see Elizabeth recognized for her outstanding work.

QCWBA Congratulates Madison Porzio
The Queens County Women’s Bar Association congratulates Madison Porzio on being sworn in as Treasurer of the Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York (WBASNY) on June 4th, 2022! Madison served as Recording Secretary for WBASNY for the past two years. Madison has been a member of QCWBA since law school and has served on the board since 2016, spending her first two years as Queen’s Delegate to WBASNY. She is also the Chair of the QCWBA Mental Health and Wellness Committee. She is very excited to serve her office with WBASNY as a proud Queen of Queens.

QCWBA Congratulates Alla Allison Ageyeva
The Queens County Women’s Bar Association congratulates Recording Secretary, Alla Allison Ageyeva on being sworn in as the President of the Association of Law Secretaries to the Justices of the Supreme and Surrogates’ Courts in the City of New York! The QCWBA wishes Alla a successful tenure as president!